Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the …..

We love using mirrors when staging a home for sale or living as it is a great way to visually expand a space. However, before hanging it up, consider what you see in the reflection. It should feature something interesting and appealing from every angle you are looking at it. If the reflected image does not add any value, you are better off hanging a different wall art there.



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What I love about these bathroom designs…

… clean straight lines

… natural, raw materials – stone, glass, wood

… modern lines vanities

… small bathrooms made interesting

check them out …

Friday, February 11, 2011

Redesign Your Space’s Dining Room Design featured in the Life@Home Magazine, a new Hearst Publication

I am so thrilled that one of our designs was chosen to be published in the second issue of the new Life@Home Magazine. The magazine focuses on interior design, local design stores, architecture, landscape designs, cooking and enjoying life in Fairfield County Connecticut.

Our Top Tip in the magazine is: Think of color as the bass, furniture as the main instruments, and accessories and wall décor the fine tuning. Put them together and they create the room’s orchestral sound.

Life@Home Magazine-Hearst Publication Feb2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why do we call our newsletter and blog “Turning Places Into Loving Spaces!”?

In order to answer this I have to tell you a little bit more about myself. I was very fortunate to grow up in a home and family that was very loving and nurturing, which is nowadays not a given thing for kids to have. I know that having a home that makes you feel relaxed, cozy, snuggly, comfortable, protected, loved, and at peace is invaluable in life. Having moved into different homes throughout Europe and then several homes here in the US, I have experienced that the design of a home gives us different energy and feelings. My passion as a Home Stager and Interior Redesigner is to create such a loving and nurturing environment through design so that home buyers and home owners fall in love with it and can peacefully live their lives in.

When staging a home for sale, we create a lifestyle experience targeted to the specific buyer group, so they feel home right away and want to move right in.

When redesigning a home to live in I am listening carefully to what home owners want and need to feel that this is their space to feel warm, welcome and loved in.

Thus, we are “Turning Places into Loving Spaces!TM


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wow, 10 housing markets where prices rose during the recession

When I saw this heading, I was immediately drawn to it.
The average value of a home declined by 25% to 30% since 2005. The end of 2005 and beginning of 2006 were the peak of the housing boom. After all the real estate prices turmoil over the past few years it is hard to believe that there are a few markets where the prices have actually risen. Read full article...

Friday, February 4, 2011

RESA Convention 2011–What a Great Experience this was!!! Here is why?

Having been to last year’s convention of the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) was already the best experience in attending a conference in my entire life. And yes, I had been to many, many, many other conferences before that. So, my expectations this year were very high and no, I would not have missed out on this opportunity, even if there is a cost involved. Every single penny spent for this event has been worthwhile. When making the decision I saw a great opportunity to listen, learn and get inspired in my business that I am so passionate about. Well, it ended up being way more than that.

When I walked into the room the first day it was so overwhelming that I met so many stagers from last year as well as many who I knew from Active Rain and Facebook. I felt like home with all my staging peers, the most awesome group of people. The open mindedness and the sharing of thoughts and ideas cannot be found in many industries. I am very proud of being part of this forward thinking and continuing education focused group of home stagers, who differentiate themselves from other home stagers by setting high standards and through their professionalism.

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The content of the presentations was stunning. Speakers included top stagers and industry experts. There are still many people, including many real estate agents, who think home staging is only about making a home look clean and pretty, not realizing that home staging is such a powerful marketing tool that is available at their fingertips to sell a home so much faster and easier. This impression might come from those stagers who are not dedicated to continuous education on what is going on in the staging industry. During this convention we learned so much about how to help selling a property even better through very specific advanced techniques. Yes, home staging is also evolving as our industry grows up. Also ideas on how to advance the business in 2011 have been confirming that I am on the right track with everything I am doing. How exciting! I cannot wait to implement new ideas and what I have learned!

On top of all these awesome events, winning two awards (Rookie Stager of the Year in the Northeast and Rookie Stager of the Year in all of North America) has been such a great honor. But even better than that were all the nice words, emails and comments that I have received about my acceptance speech. I was overwhelmed and moved by the response. Thank you all for listening to me being so excited about these awards.

Rookie Stager of the Year Northeast   RESA Rookie Stager of the Year 2011

If you have not been able to make it this year, you really should consider to join us next year. This is such a highly valuable event and a great investment into yourself and your business. I hope to see you next year.

For those who have been in Las Vegas, thank you for making it such a fun and insightful event.