Tuesday, March 15, 2011

“The Evolution of Staging” RESA event

Many of you know that until recently I have been a Board member of the NY Chapter of the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA). I have resigned from that position in order to start a chapter in Connecticut together with Neci Marr. Our first meeting will take place at the end or March – more to come over the next couple of weeks.

Our NY Chapter just organized a fabulous event on “The Evolution of Staging”, during which highly successful real estate agents and real estate stagers have been discussion how real estate staging has helped many home sellers to sell their homes much faster and at a much higher price. The panel also starred HGTV Star Matthew Finlason from “The Stagers”, who introduced target staging, the most sophisticated staging technique, as being the newest and most successful trend in the staging industry, if done correctly.

Check out this short video about the event “The Evolution of Staging