Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity

It is Saturday morning 7.30am, July 16th. I am pulling into the driveway of my very good friend Marian Edvardsen . After a quick hello and our first laughter (as usual when we are together) we make our way up north. With the top of my little Mazda Miata down, we enjoy the wind blowing through our hair while driving beautiful, winding local roads from Norwalk to Danbury. Arriving at the Habitat for Humanity house on Linden Place, we are welcomed and waiting for few more women to arrive. Wohoo, Kathy McShane, from Ladies Who Launch  just arrived. 10 Women dressed up in pink with “Habitat for Humanity & Launch It” shirts, and hammers in their hands are ready for a day full of construction work. (I love the combination of “pink” and “construction” – sounds so contradictory). We had a blast working on putting up insulation, siding, framing and general clean up of the site…and of course….chatting. We all loved to chat with reporter Christine Rose, who featured a nice article about us in the Danbury Patch.

What a fabulous time we had helping to build a home for two families who really need the help. I love the concept of Habitat for Humanity and am sure I will be volunteering again some time very soon. If you would like to get involved, Habitat for Humanity is spread throughout the country helping families in need. In addition to helping, I also feel I have made new friends at this very special event. Thank you Kathy McShane for organizing this and getting such fabulous women together for a a great scope.

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