Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity

It is Saturday morning 7.30am, July 16th. I am pulling into the driveway of my very good friend Marian Edvardsen . After a quick hello and our first laughter (as usual when we are together) we make our way up north. With the top of my little Mazda Miata down, we enjoy the wind blowing through our hair while driving beautiful, winding local roads from Norwalk to Danbury. Arriving at the Habitat for Humanity house on Linden Place, we are welcomed and waiting for few more women to arrive. Wohoo, Kathy McShane, from Ladies Who Launch  just arrived. 10 Women dressed up in pink with “Habitat for Humanity & Launch It” shirts, and hammers in their hands are ready for a day full of construction work. (I love the combination of “pink” and “construction” – sounds so contradictory). We had a blast working on putting up insulation, siding, framing and general clean up of the site…and of course….chatting. We all loved to chat with reporter Christine Rose, who featured a nice article about us in the Danbury Patch.

What a fabulous time we had helping to build a home for two families who really need the help. I love the concept of Habitat for Humanity and am sure I will be volunteering again some time very soon. If you would like to get involved, Habitat for Humanity is spread throughout the country helping families in need. In addition to helping, I also feel I have made new friends at this very special event. Thank you Kathy McShane for organizing this and getting such fabulous women together for a a great scope.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

How Much Does Real Estate Home Staging Cost?–Part 2–Staging Helps MAKE Money

In our last blog post we spoke about the Staging Consultation and price determining factors of a Home Staging Proposal. Today we will go into more detail of the actual Staging Proposal and the Return on the Staging Investment - how staging helps making money.

The Staging Proposal:

The consultation for occupied homes and the walk-through of vacant homes provide the real estate stager with an overview of what is needed to get the house prepared and ready for a successful sale. As a general rule over the thumb, home staging prices can range from a 0.5% to 3% of the listing price - again, depending on the specific needs of that property as well as the selling price.

Remember in the beginning I said that real estate staging does not cost anything - it helps making money.

Home staging is not a cost, but an investment. The National Association of Realtors indicates that staged homes sell on average for a 6 to 10% higher price - a pretty good deal for an investment of 0.5% to 3%.

Studies and statistics conducted by the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA®) have shown that professionally staged homes sell on average 67% faster than unstaged homes. This means months less of expenses for mortgage, insurance, utilities, maintenance and other carrying costs.

Add to that the reduced time of stress and worries, having to be prepared every day for a potential showing and having your peaceful life back quicker.

Now let's look at some specific numbers of a real life example of a property that Birgit Anich Staging & Interiors has recently staged. While most houses staged by Birgit Anich Staging & Interiors are in the $750K to $4M price range, there seems to be the impression that "staging is for high end properties only". Thus we decided to illustrate a lower price example to show how real estate staging helps making money also on lower priced properties. However, the same applies to higher priced homes – the numbers are just getting bigger.

This real example property is located in Norwalk, CT:

Original Listing Price:


Days on Market BEFORE Staging:


Price when Birgit Anich Staging & Interiors was called:


After reducing the price by $21,000 or 5.12% to $389,000, the price reduction still did not help to sell.

The real estate agent was in a tough spot:

1. Either make another price reduction and have price being the only marketing tool used in selling this property


2. Make use of a different marketing tool – packaging the product to appeal to the target buyer group by staging it – the real estate agent decided to  advise her client to stage the property

At the first visit to the property Birgit Anich Staging & Interiors immediately knew what needed to be done and the client agreed to most of the proposed investments of their vacant property – we made some home improvements and used the most advanced and successful staging techniques of Target Staging and  Lifestyle Merchandising:

Home Improvement Investments (paint, toilet replacement, lighting replacement, floors refinishing, new ceiling in one room, some repair):


Staging Investment (rental of furniture & décor for Living Room, Dining Room, Master Bedroom and Staging Services)


Total Investment:

$10,500 …. 2.7% of the listing price

After completion of staging, the house sold within 2 days at full asking price

By not using price as the single marketing strategy to sell this property, the real estate agent was able to sell the property without any further price reduction.

This is great! But what would the scenario have been if the property was staged BEFORE putting the house on the market?

· The house would have been 153 days less time on the market = 5.1 months less time of ongoing costs:



Carrying costs (taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance cost):


Total monthly fixed costs saved:


Months less on the market if staged before:

5 months

Saved cost because of faster sale:

$2300 * 5 months =


As you can see, staging did not cost them anything.

Remember, we spoke about that staged homes sell on an average at a 6-10% higher price. If the house were staged before putting it on the market, it is likely that the house would have sold at the original price of $410,000 (or closer to it), which is an additional $21,000

Total Return on Investment, if staged BEFORE listing, would have been:

Saved cost because of faster sale:


Sale at top price:


Total gain:


Staging Investment:


Profit Made from Staging:


Return on Investment:


This real life example shows how staging helps to MAKE money – it does not cost anything.

After reading this, what does cost more - to stage or not to stage? I hope you have come to the conclusion that it only costs NOT to stage. Not to stage costs money, time, and energy.

We realize that a full staging might not be for everyone, as this is an upfront out of pocket expense and many people might not be in the financial position for various reasons to make such investment. I recommend though to at least invest in a home staging consultation from a qualified Home Staging Professional. You will be surprised what a difference this powerful information will make in your home sale, if you implement it.

By staging BEFORE listing the Home Sellers can move on with their normal lives faster and with more money in their pockets.

When selling properties faster and closer to the Home Seller’s price expectations, Real Estate Agents will receive more referrals and can quicker devote their energy and time to their next listing.

Birgit Anich Staging

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Costal Living Lifestyle Home Staging in Stamford, CT– Do You Know Someone Who Wants To Live There?

This beautiful condo located on the top floor overlooks the Stamford Harbor provides peaceful enjoyment away from hectic life. Enjoy a costal life style with this gorgeous view from all main rooms. Have a glass of wine with friends and family while watching the sun set. Close to the center of Stamford and train makes it also a convenient to commute into NYC.

Birgit Anich Staging & Interiors–Home Staging in Stamford, CT

For more information about the property click here:

MLS# 98496002

Friday, July 8, 2011

Sneak Preview of HGTV Design Star–Season 6 is out…

I can’t wait for Monday’s premiere of HGTV’s Design Star season 6. Here is a quick sneak preview of what will happen on their first episode:

How Much Does Real Estate Home Staging Cost?–Part 1

As a home stager in Fairfield County, CT I am frequently asked by real estate agents "What does home staging cost? I need to know at least a price range, so I can convince my clients to stage their house." As simple as this question sounds as simple is also the answer: real estate staging does not cost anything - it actually helps you make money. It only costs to NOT stage.

Ok, now I see your eye brows raise in disbelieve: "How can that be? This must be another sales gimmick." If you bear with me I will provide as much insight and details possible to equip you with information to have a successful conversation about staging associated "cost". This will make you feel at ease bringing staging up as a rewarding marketing tool and solution in your property selling process.

Let's dive in!

Pricing a home staging project involves many different aspects, which makes it difficult to answer the question with just a number. It can be compared to having an unknown defect on your car and asking the mechanic over the phone what the repair will cost without giving him the opportunity to take a look on what is wrong with the car. These are some of the considerations that a home stager needs to take into account when pricing a project:

  • Is it an occupied home or a vacant home?
  • What is the size of the home?
  • Are there any repairs, updates, upgrades, paint, flooring,… needed?
  • Which rooms and how many rooms need to be staged?
  • Do we need to bring in furniture and/or accessories to attract buyers? If so, how much and what?
  • How many functional areas are to be installed within the rooms?
  • Does the home seller do all the work on their own, or some on their own and some being done by the stager, or does the seller want to have everything being managed by the stager?

Every house looks different and has different needs and when pricing a home staging project all these different details and more need to be taken into consideration.

Home Staging Consultations are offered by most stagers. Depending on the area, prices typically range between $150 to $450. Always ask what the consultation includes. Some stagers provide a verbal consultation only, whereas others will provide a written report as well.

Why do stagers charge for a consultation?

A home staging consultation should not be confused with a proposal. During a consultation the home seller should expect to get specific feedback and recommendations specifically for their property's needs. The home seller will be given valuable professional recommendations which, if implemented, will lead to a faster sale. At the end of the consultation the home seller can request to receive a quote to engage the stager to do some or all the work.

In our next blog post I will be talking about a specific example and how Birgit Anich Staging & Interiors helped home sellers making money through home staging in CT.
